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Computational Continuum Mechanics

Li-ion battery source code

OpenFOAM and Computational Continuum Mechanics

it is a common perception that industrial use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation software has now gone beyond its explosive development stage. While this may be true - at least for commercial software vendors - techniques developed for CFD are applicable to a much wider range of problems.

The mission of this research group is to explore complex and coupled problems in Computational Continnum Mechanics (CCM), applying the CFD knowledge and experience to tackle a variety of problems. To succeed, a multi-disciplinary set of skills is needed:

  • Understanding physics, governing equations and coupling

  • Software design and development

  • Learning your C++ to expert level

  • Validation and verification of newly developed tools

  • Understanding efficiency and High-Performance Computing

This is what we excel in. Got a challenge? Let's talk.