Restarting NUMAP-FOAM Summer School in 2022
Following the COVID-induced break, this year's NUMAP-FOAM Summer School for Numerical Modelling of Coupled Problems in Applied Physics with OpenFOAM shall restart at the University of Cambridge, UK
The School aims to provide tuition at expert level for a small and selected group of students and researchers in academia and industry. The idea of the NUMAP-FOAM School is to expand the physical modelling knowledge, numerics and programming skills of attendees using OpenFOAM in their research through direct supervision and one-to-one project work. Lectures on chosen topics of mathematical and numerical modelling pertinent to coupled problems in engineering and applied physics will be delivered in addition. For further references, please contact the organisers or one of more than 150 alumni of previous editions of the School.
To ensure quality of work and supervision, the number of places is strictly limited.
Place and Time
The Summer 2022 edition NUMAP-FOAM shall take place between Monday, 12 September 2022 and Friday, 23 September 2022, inclusive (10 working days). The School shall be held at The Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics, (Maxwell Building), University of Cambridge, UK.
Topic Areas
Students are invited to propose their own topics for the School. Preference shall be given to project which required complex programming tasks in OpenFOAM, advanced C++ and software engineering and implementation of complex and coupled physical models in OpenFOAM. Special topics for this year’s Summer School are:
- Multi-phase and free surface flows
- High-order discretisation methods
- Reduced Order Modelling
- Combustion modelling
- Electro-chemistry
- Magneto-hydro-dynamics
How to Apply
To apply, please write a one-page description of the project you wish to work on, with current problems and goals to be achieved at the School. Application is open to all students on graduate University courses, as well as young researchers in companies and government organisations with sufficient prior OpenFOAM knowledge.
Please note this is NOT an introductory OpenFOAM course: significant understanding of the project and software is a pre-requisite for application.
The deadline for application is 15 June 2022. Successful candidates will be informed within two weeks of closing.
Accommodation and Costs
Attendees to the School should plan to cover their travel and accommodation expenses, ideally bringing a laptop computer with them. A registration fee for the School is GBP 2000 per attendee.
Contact Details
For further details and submission of project proposals, please contact Dr. Hrvoje Jasak (hj348@cam.ac.uk).
This is the 15th edition of NUMAP-FOAM, starting with a group of 10 attendees in 2008.